Top 10 Sauna Tips For Beginners
There is always a first time for everyone to try out something. It may make you worried about the outcome, it may make you anxious, or it may make you excited to get done with it. So is the sauna experience. If you are not born in Finland, or Sweden, or the other countries where they say the sauna originated, you may have been left wondering how the first experience would be. Well, if it makes you feel better, the first time in the sauna can be very exciting, but it depends on how you approach it. Quit wondering how it would go for you and make up your mind to try it out. So, you have made up your mind and you are all ready to go, what is it that you have to know about the sauna? What is it that you must do for your sauna experience to be nice and memorable? Well, here are the top ten tips to make your first sauna experience amazing.
Hydration is of high importance.
In the sauna, it is all about sweating, and sweating profusely while at it. While this sweating helps to rid your body of excess fat and other harmful toxins, it dehydrates your body at the same time. It is advisable to take a lot of water before, during, and after sauna sessions, preferably a glass at each instance. Some people may prefer different drinks like juice, wine, or beer, etc. But water is more advisable in its natural form for the best results.
Do not have heavy meals before your sauna session.
One of the most important benefits of using the sauna is that it speeds up your metabolic rate, resulting in a faster flow of nutrients through your body. If you had a heavy meal right before the sauna sessions, it would lose all its meaning, to say the least. Plus, sauna experiences are amazing with a lighter stomach as opposed to with a full stomach. It is advisable to do a light snack, a medium smoothie, or a healthy salad before the sauna, and eat a full meal later.
Do small sauna sessions for a start.
You are advised to take it slow with the first of your sauna sessions. While an avid user can run anything from forty-five minutes to two hours in a sauna, for a first timer, it is advisable to start off with ten or fifteen minutes per session and then gradually increase to longer sessions as you adapt. Long sessions can be fatal for beginners as they can get you lightheaded, dizzy, or worse fainting.
Dress up very lightly for the sauna if you have to.
Nudity in the sauna is not something new. While some people prefer to go into the sauna in swimsuits, some public saunas forbid the same. Experts advise that you use cotton material for your sauna. Cotton towels or underwear are easy to clean and are breathable hence your skin will not feel clogged up. If you cannot stay naked, wrap up yourself in a cotton towel and sit on another. Their absorbent nature will be favorable to your skin.
It is okay to rinse and repeat sauna sessions.
As long as you keep the sauna sessions short and sweet, you can have as many as you want even for a first timer. Ideally, you need to take a cold shower, or dive into a swimming pool, or swim in the lake or sea, as long as it cools you off and washes off the toxins expelled from your body. The head back in for another session. Repeat as many times as feels enough for you.
Anyone can use the sauna.
The only exceptions when it comes to using the sauna, according to experts, is when it involves infants, people with heart conditions, and people with open wounds. If you are doing this for the first time and you do not fall in the categories named, go right ahead and enjoy.
Finnish people have different sauna traditions.
In Finland, being invited into the sauna is a huge honor, and should not be turned down unless under very good reasons; bear that in mind if your first time in the sauna is in Finland. It is said, the sauna makes the best place to close deals than in meetings for the Finnish people.
Saunas do not have to be filled with music or fragrances.
Bear in mind that as much as most saunas are sprinkled with colored lights, amazing fragrances, and soothing music, you are there to relax and not to hype up. If your first sauna experience is in a dimly lit place with no music or fragrance, it is still okay.
Nudity is a common thing in saunas.
Do not be scared off if you walked into a sauna and everybody is naked. For the avid users of saunas especially in places like Finland, it is very common to find many people naked in a sauna, all of the strangers to each other.
Adequate rest is vital after sauna sessions.
Conclude your sauna sessions with a cold shower or bath, and your favorite meal or drink. Thereafter, you will need to let the benefits of the sauna to sink in. You are bound to go into a deep sleep and it is absolutely okay as it will let your body and mind rest well and keep off restlessness.
Top 10 Sauna Tips For Beginners
Perhaps the most important thing to note if you are going to be using the sauna for the first time, according to experts, is to listen to yourself. If for a second there you feel that something is not right; a little dizziness, lightheadedness, or change in the heartbeat rate, discontinue the session immediately and step out for air. It is a common occurrence for first timers, but to be on the safe side, it is okay to speak to your doctor before beginning on the sauna sessions, for more advice.
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